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PSHE at The Levels School

In line with our school values and the expectations of the National Curriculum, our PSHE program promotes students' needs for healthy living and safe working in the modern world. The program seeks to help our students develop into well-rounded, independent and moral citizens through inspirational education that is as much nurturing the spirit as it is about outstanding academic success. Our curriculum has been developed with the PSHE Association guidelines and supports students in gaining the knowledge, skills and attributes they need to manage their lives. It helps pupils to achieve their academic potenial and leave school equipped with the skills they need for later life. 


Through modules on citizenship and responsibility, the PSHE curriculum promotes the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs. 


Delivery of this subject relies on creating and maintaining a forum of trust within the classroom and, as such, it helps build communal identity and supports our students as they work to find their developing selves, understand responsibility toward their mental health and the well-being of those around them, and build the vocabulary they need to ask the right questions of the world they live in. 


Key Stage Two

KS2 students are taught in mixed-age and mixed-ability groups consisting of children from Years 4 to 6. All KS2 children are taught the same history curriculum in a single year. To avoid repeating the same units, the KS2 curriculum has been mapped over two years, with students studying different units in years A and B.


Key Stage Three


Key Stage Four

PSHE is taught to all students at KS4 once a week as a non-assessed subject. 


Holiday Activities 

If you're looking to support your child's PSHE studies at home, try the following activities:


  • Watch Disney Pixar's "Inside Out", a fantastic film for teaching about emotions and managing stress. It is available on Disney+. 

  • Watch Disney Pixar's "Wall-E", a great film for teaching the importance of taking care of the environment and ourselves. It is available on Disney+.

Holiday Activities
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