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The Levels School’s careers education has the following aims:


  • To contribute to raising achievement throughout the school by developing self-esteem, resilience and motivation within each student

  • To support inclusion, challenge stereotyping, and promote equality of opportunity.

  • To encourage continued learning after The Levels School

  • To develop employment and enterprise skills to benefit the student and the market-place

  • To meet the needs of all pupils through differentiation and one to one support

  • To involve parents and carers


The Levels School aims to work hard in order to help its pupils so that they can become successful independent adults. 


Careers Advisor


Careers advice is provided by Future Smart Careers, a careers and enterprise approved provider.


Careers Advisor

Our Core Employability Skills

At The Levels School, we aspire to develop enquiry and reflection in each student by embedding careers guidance throughout every year group, within all subjects and through a comprehensive pastoral programme. To achieve this, The Levels School fully embraces the Gatsby Benchmarks, forms positive links with FE colleges, employers and apprenticeship providers as well as developing 7 core employability skills across all lessons, providing access to skills fairs and giving individual guidance to all pupils. Our 7 core employability skills are:


  • Staying positive

  • Aiming high

  • Problem solving

  • Creativity

  • Listening and presenting

  • Leadership

  • Adaptability

Employability Skills

Careers Development in KS2

  • Assemblies about challenging stereotypes and different jobs/careers

  • Take part in STEM activities outside of the normal curriculum

  • Learn key skills that will develop into employability skills further up the school

Careers Development

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Find out about our policy and process for joining TLS.

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KS4 Options

We offer a range of engaging options for KS4.



Request a brochure, book a visit or submit an enquiry.

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