ICT at The Levels School
ICT is delivered mostly in line with national guidelines and supports our students in understanding how the digital world around them works. This is achieved through following the three strands of computer science, information technology and digital literacy. Algorithms, programming and the structure of code are covered in our computer science modules; word processing, managing spreadsheets and publishing information for websites and print are covered within the information technology modules. Our digital literacy also extends into the PSHE elements with digital citizenship, digital law, social media and mental health, and work on cyber-bullying and online relationships.
All lessons are delivered through online resources. We have a 'Bring your Own Device' setup which is managed through an online network monitoring and filtering system. The final goal of this subject in the curriculum is to build the students’ knowledge of the digital landscape; from a simple 'user' to a powerful and informed consumer or even engineer of that space.
Key Stage Three
Holiday Activities
If you're looking to support your child's ICT studies at home, try the following activities:
Discuss digital safety with your children, and encourage open communication about how your children use technology.
Encourage your child to practice touch typing, a highly valuable skill for life. Try the Typing Club link above for free touch typing support.
Encourage use of different applications, such as word processing software, spreadsheets, coding applications, photoediting software and more. Try some of the links above for access to free online software.