Staff Mental Health
Supporting and promoting the mental health and wellbeing of staff is an essential component of a healthy school. We promote opportunities to maintain a healthy work-life balance. Our wellbeing group is responsible for organising different events throughout the year to keep this healthy theme uppermost. We endeavour to ensure an ethos of open communication, particularly when it comes to talking about concerns. There is a buddy system to ensure that all staff feel there is someone to act as a ‘sounding board’ during times of difficulty.
Policies on marking and planning take account of workload concerns of staff. The school is exploring the provision of clinical style supervision for those staff dealing with complex or distressing needs. Staff are encouraged to maintain a healthy work-life balance and there is respect for home life (e.g. discouraging late working and the right to avoid emailing over weekend).
Staff Mental Health Team
Support with Grief
Grief can be a smooth process, or a chaotic one – particularly if we are busy and ‘put it to one side’. Sometimes we think we have finished grieving, and something happens which brings up new feelings of sadness and loss. The following sites may be useful, as well as opening up to a colleague/buddy if you feel able to.
Whatever you feel, it will be a normal reaction. Don’t go through it alone!