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British Values at The Levels School

The Levels School is committed to working closely and in harmony with its community and celebrating the diversity of the UK. We aim to prepare students for life in modern Britain and to ensure that our school ethos, curriculum and approaches to teaching and learning reflect and promote British values.


We recognise that these values are not exclusive to being British and that they have come to be accepted throughout the democratic world as the method of creating an orderly society, in which individual members can feel safe, valued and can contribute to for the good of themselves and others.


We work alongside our local community and recognise the variety of religious beliefs within it. All subject departments are aware of the importance of delivering British values through their curriculum content.


We take opportunities to:

  • Acknowledge, honour and commemorate national events and anniversaries related to key events in Britain’s past.

  • Celebrate international sporting events and find out more about the countries that host them.

  • Support a number of charities that are selected by the students and arrange fundraising events.

  • Invite members of the local community to our school events.


We understand the role that our school has in helping prevent radicalisation and supporting our pupils in developing a world view, recognising Britain’s place within it. The five British values are:

  • Democracy.

  • The rule of law.

  • Individual liberty.

  • Mutual respect.

  • Acceptance of those with different faiths and beliefs.

Image by Marcin Nowak


  • All students have opportunity as an individual, as a member of a tutor group and within subject departments, to influence decision making and to have a voice.

  • Students are regularly consulted both formally and informally about how their school might be improved.

  • Students see the example that is set with staff working cooperatively with each other to make the school the best it can be.

  • Our Student Voice allows students to explore and understand the democratic process.

  • During national and local elections we hold our own mock elections.

  • In lessons, students learn how to work appropriately in a team – they learn ways in which they can express opinions, show respect, and uphold principles based on the majority of people’s opinions.

  • The development of British democracy and the dangers of dictatorships are taught in history lessons.

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